Effect Of Zyzygium aromaticum (Clove) and allium sativnm (Garlic) Extracts on Broiler Chickens Infected With E.Coli

Document Type : Scientific and Research


1 Animal Health Research Institute (Zagazig Branch)

2 National Research Center


In these study forty-nine E. coli isolates were isolated from 80 broiler experiential chi cks collected from broiler farms. These isolates were serotyped in to ( 01, 08, 018, 078, 086, 0111) and untyped (17 serotypes). The growth inhibitory effect of Zyzygium aromaticum (clove) and allium sativnm (Garlic) on isolated strain E. coli. Water, 80% ethanol and n-hexan plant extracts were tested against E. coli. Gel diffusion method, minimun1inh inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were used in these investigation. The obtained find ings indicated that S. aromaticum and garlic had grown inhibitory effect against tested E. coli. Two hundred one day old Ross chicks were divided i nto 5 equal group (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), grou p (1) chicks remained a negative control. Groups (2, 3 and 4) chicks infected by E. coli 0111• Group (3) chicks were treated with 25mg/L clove and group (4) treated with 25 mg/L Garlic for 3 successive days. The clinical signs, mortality rate, postmortem lesion reisolation of E. coli, body weight gain and F.C.R after two week of infection were recorded. In all groups The clove extracts were more effective for controlling the E. coli than Garlic extracts . It could be concluded that S. aromaticwn (clove) and Garlic extract had grow inhibitory against tested E. coli, and clove has superior activity and efficacy than the we Garlic i n treatment infection broiler chicks with E. coli

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