Background: Histopathological changes in some internal organs have been widely used as biomarkers for health evaluation. Histopathological lesions following pesticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) administration in some organs which has prompted us to undertake this study. Methods: mature male albino rats , weighing 120 – 150 gms, were randomly divided into 3 groups A, B& C. Oral administration of Chlorpyrifos was to groups B and C in dose of 5 and 10 mg/kg. B. Wt respectively. Group A kept as control . Body weight of each rat was recorded weekly. Ten animals from each group were sacrificed at end of the experiment to evaluate some biochemical alterations and the histopathological changes in some internal organs (kidney & spleen) and sexual organs( testis and epididymis). Results: Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate insecticide ,was orally administered to male rats at the doses of 5 and 01 mg/ kg.B.Wt for 30 successive days. Rats in Group C which exposed to high dose (10 mg/ kg.B.Wt) showed significantly reduced body weight and body weight gain. Weight of different vital organs were significant increases and decrease in the weight of testes ( Group B & C) as compared to control. Different tissues of male rats administer CPF(5 mg/ kg.B.Wt) showed mild histopathological changes in liver ,testis & epididymis while administration of high dose (10mg/ kg.B.Wt) of chlorpyrifos to male rats for 30 days has produced significant pathological changes in liver , testis and epididymis. Chlorpyrifos increased serum transferase enzymes (AST and ALT) activity. Group A shows no pathological changes. Conclusion: Our study has shown that 30 days administration of chlorpyrifos at dose of 10 mg/kg .B.Wt causes sever histopathological changes which leading to damages of some vital organs along with relative decrease in weights of almost all vital organs.
Alharbi, F. (2018). Organophosphate Insecticides Induced Histopathological and Biochemical Changed on Male Rats. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry and Environmental Health, 4(1), 16-31. doi: 10.21608/ejceh.2018.241061
Fawiziah Khalaf Alharbi. "Organophosphate Insecticides Induced Histopathological and Biochemical Changed on Male Rats", Egyptian Journal of Chemistry and Environmental Health, 4, 1, 2018, 16-31. doi: 10.21608/ejceh.2018.241061
Alharbi, F. (2018). 'Organophosphate Insecticides Induced Histopathological and Biochemical Changed on Male Rats', Egyptian Journal of Chemistry and Environmental Health, 4(1), pp. 16-31. doi: 10.21608/ejceh.2018.241061
Alharbi, F. Organophosphate Insecticides Induced Histopathological and Biochemical Changed on Male Rats. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry and Environmental Health, 2018; 4(1): 16-31. doi: 10.21608/ejceh.2018.241061